Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Bang, Bang, I'm Gone!

I'm sitting on the bus right now. Babyshambles blasting in my headphones to tune out the hum of the motor. Evening sun pouring through the thick plastic windows. My eyes are half open, I've been struggling to stay awake all day.

Last night's high has bled into today.

I get home and immediately get to work. R and our friends are over hanging out in the living room.

I go into the bedroom and grab one of my generic oxymorphone er 10mg tablets. I take an alcohol pad to wipe off the outer coating. The sunkist color has been removed, now leaving it slick, white. I put it in my pill grinder and turn until it is a fine powder. Then I inhale deeply through the $2 bill shoved into my left nostril. My pharmacist gave it to me for good luck a few months ago. I snort all of it in a single breath, leaving the back of my throat coated in grit.

By the time it starts to rush over me, the 2 oxys I popped are already flushing my cheeks red. The oxymorphone hits me square between the eyes as I walk outside.

I try to drag my eyes open as I smoke a cigarettes with Nic, Jeff, Lee and R. Lee is staring at his phone typing--his eyes never leaving the screen.

"Yo that dope I got this weekend was basically all fentanyl. It had crazy legs." Lee says breaking his silence.

"Like a fine wine?" I smirk.

"Yeah... I did a point and I was puking the entire show on Saturday night."


"Yeah, usually I need like 3 points to feel it. But I was nodding hard off of 1 point."

"You gotta be careful..." I sound more like an older sister than a friend. I worry about that kid.

"I know... I just can't get it out of my head. I hadn't done any for like 3 weeks, but then I ran right back to it."

"I hear you. It's rough."

Everyone else dissolves into background noise, scenery. They all walk inside, leaving the 2 junkies to commiserate.

"Dude, you don't want to be like me in a decade..." I say "Well, I mean, I have most of my shit together, but you know what I mean."

Lee laughs, "Yeah, it doesn't seem so bad what you have. But I get what you mean."

It hits me that I'm the definition of a functioning addict; with a great marriage, full-time job, apartment, plus a kitten and a rabbit, from the outside no one would ever know that my mind is consumed with thoughts of my next high.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go pick up like $40 worth." It's said more like an offer than a statement, since he usually picks up for me when I want some.

"That's cool man." I put the thought of my mind. The oxymorphone has got me good and high right now--I don't need anything else.

I look down at my phone and see a text from R: Don't buy H. The implication of the text annoys me, that I'm going to buy H because Lee is.

Lee follows me inside. Jeff, Nic, and R are sprawled out on the laid down futon and the floor. I recline on the futon next to Nic. It's nice to have her here with me. She's come down from NY to hang out for a few weeks. There's no definite day when she'll leave, and I prefer it that way. I wish I could convince her to never go back and move to TX.

Nic's arm is cradling a 40 of Mickey's mixed with 4Loko Gold; her drink of choice. 

Rick and Morty are on TV. Jeff and R are having an animated discussion over Dan Harmon's storytelling formula. I've heard it a million times from R.

Lee is staring at his phone once more. Not even taking a moment away from it to sit down.

"I'm going to RBM to meet up with Tito, anyone need anything?"

Before we can respond he's out the door.

I've only sat down for 5 minutes before I'm back outside smoking a cigarette. The urge overpowering my desire to be social. Lee comes back up the steps. His cracked and ripped combat boots slapping the cement steps.

"I didn't pick up." He sighs, sitting down in the chair on the other side of our outdoor table.

"I'm proud of you dude, that's a really hard thing to do."

"I hadn't used for 2 weeks and then I picked up a few days ago, and I can't stop hating myself for doing it again. I can't get it out of my head, but I hate myself every time I do it."

"That's one of the hardest things. I understand that. I'm really proud of you. It's a tough decision, but you did it. I know it sucks."

"Yeah, it really fucking sucks." He sucks on his cigarettes.

"You can always talk to me about this stuff. I won't judge you, like I get it."

"Thanks, that means a lot."

"Of course."

Silence descends over us. I stare back at my phone, shuffling through Facebook and Twitter.

Lee returns inside, but I don't follow him. I need another cigarette. Another moment of silence to think.

Love you,

P.S. This song has been stuck in my head for the past few weeks... bang bang I'm gone!

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